To be given an assignment, players have to visit an of nine Slayer Masters scattered across the gaming world OSRS Gold For Sale. While there is a specific master dependent on your combat level however, there are several that offer unique rewards, and one of them is Konar.
Instead of simply assigning an animal to kill, Konar requires players to travel to a specific spot to do so, in return they'll have the chance to get their hand on Brimstone Keys. Therefore, with no further delay now, let's look into exactly where Konar is located as well as how to get access to Brimstone Keys.
In this map, Konar quo Maten is located in the region of North-West that is part of the Zeah region in the Kahlith settlement located on the summit of Mount Karuulm. They're marked on the world map by a pale skull to indicate their significance as a Slayer Master. They can be seen sitting next to an open chest.
The most efficient way to access this part of the map is via it's Rada's Blessing 3 or 4 Teleport. If you do not have access to this runescape 07 gold, think about using the fairy ring code c-ir or rubbing a Skills Necklace and selecting the Farming Guild teleport.